We are committed to minimising the impact from our business operations on the natural environment and will seek to ensure full compliance with applicable national and international environmental law.


We will maintain appropriate environmental management systems that:

Require that the planning, design and operation of all facilities or operations explicitly address and include environmental standards, procedures and processes

Identify, and then minimise the risks to the natural environment from our work and operations

Set targets and indicators to enable robust management and reporting on environmental impacts, improvement measures and achieved performance

Ensure that competent staff and sufficient resources are provided to prevent, mitigate or minimise damage to the natural environment

Empower workers to stop work or any operation if they consider environmental risks or hazards to be unacceptable

Require the reporting and investigation of work-related environmental incidents and near-misses; keeping records; determining root-cause and contributing factors; and taking remedial measures to avoid or mitigate their recurrence

Evaluate progress, periodically assess performance and act on the results of these assessments

We endeavour to make our operations as resource efficient. We will progressively implement measures to improve the environmental performance of our operations, by seeking to:


a. Improve energy efficiency and the efficient use of natural resources such as water;

b. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity and collaborate with others to contribute to climate protection;

c. Increase reuse and recycling;

d. Reduce the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials; and

e. Reduce emissions to air, water and land.